Unsupervised Children's Parkour at Delpan Playground!

I present to you the Delpan playground that was suddenly erected in the year of our lord 2010. If you think that you are raised tough because your playground has steel slides that cooked your balls I say take a ride here.

So what's the deal with this playground you may ask? Well if you look closely you would notice that the ground it is standing on is made of bricks. Cold hard bricks. As I remember playgrounds mostly use sand because it is goddamn soft. And it absorbs urine but that is not the only problem here.
 Hello aspiring parkour enthusiasts! Remember, the more you break your bones here, the less it would break in the afterlife!

 Yeah, climb that concrete tube! You can climb anything! Trees, corporate ladders, houses, prison walls, fire walls, the Berlin wall, and of course the walls we have put around ourselves. Yeah, you deserve a high five!
 Oh look at that! You're a regular tomb raider aren't you? Yeah! Shimmy that rail!
 Look ma! No parental supervision!
 You see, you don't have to hide in a corner to smoke if you can just do it in the open where no parents will ever go to! Like the playground! An unsupervised playground!
 Nice pink bag by the way kid.

So a little snooping around about this playground. My sources say that it has already injured tons of kids (I'm still asking around for the grand total) and I counted around 4 deaths!
 Thanks a lot yellow shirt guy! Taken from:  http://www.manila.gov.ph/parks.htm

And get this. The playground is not really seen as a playground by the residents of the place. It is more like a public nuisance. Aside from producing a lot of noise, it also increased the amount of litter in the place, increased the amount of unwanted visitors in the building, increased the smell of piss in the place, and gives shelter to non-residents. I even saw one cooking rice under one of the pylons. Sheesh.
 A quick Google search of Delpan playground produces this website at: http://www.dgmarket.com/tenders/np-notice.do~4681369

3 Million? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- Whaaaat? For a public nuisance? Yeah.

Well what's the point of this blog post? How about this: The tenants of the building in which the playground stands wants it demolished. pulverized. and generally shot into the goddamn sun. It is dangerous, fucking annoying and generally smells of piss.

Edit: So yeah. After cooling my head a bit after seeing a kid push up his little brother to climb up said infrastructure I'm gonna Jessica Zafra this into a list.

1. I don't know about our mayor but if this is his project or the project of the city of manila, he may be acting like a doting gramps to this kids. Chalk it up to his age? I dunno. Wish he would email me about this so we could talk about it. I'm gonna live here again so I don't want dead kids in the morning here.

2. That 3 million figure is from a third party website. That is a screen shot of the said website. I really don't want to think that we spent 3M on such unsafe playground but City Hall, email me for an actual figure. My contact info is above this blog.

            2.1. If it really cost 3M, realize that this means that we have to destroy a three year old infrastructure that costs 3M.

3. This is also a matter for the parents of the children that play here. SUPERVISE YOUR LOIN FRUITS!

4. This area also needs trash cans. Never too young to teach em proper manners all-right?

5. I'm still asking around for the real figures in injuries and deaths if any. But c'mon. Surely some kid already broke their legs on the damn thing.

Thanks for Carlos Celdran for publicizing this post. If you have stories about this infrastructure monstrosities, send em my way or his way.
