Manila Pride Parade 2012

So I went to my first big gay parade. It was held in the Makati City Hall in the afternoon of December 8 this year. I was mainly interested on the movement due to human rights and the secular groups backing the LGBTs. It was a great rainbow day with a few showers before the event. But like they said, after the rain there is a rainbow.

So I was made aware of the event by those jokers over there and by Carlos Celdran along with Critical Thinking Filipinos. I was thinking "We have a Pride march now? When did? What the? I should probably read more news or something." Basically what it is, is a march to tell people to treat gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender like any normal people. Which might also a problem due to people judging people by their rigid world views. I guess the message should be is "Don't be a dick."

The LGBT community has lots of supporters like the seculars.
Even the religious.
Amnesty International (of course)
And many more very fun friends.

During the parade of course there would be haters. Around 4 groups actually.

Of course there is only one course of action to take.

The most fun part of the parade in my opinion is with PATAS with their sexy sexy float. I think I want to hang out with these people.

The parade was very much fun and with zero incident. I would recommend it to everyone who does not think that being gay is yucky and to young children to learn how to deal with information on contrary to what society teaches about sexuality.

The whole album of all the 195 photos is here:

If you want a bigger photo without a watermark for your organization or news, feel free to contact me.
