I Have Pokemon Problems

So McDonald's have the Pokemons back in their happy meals. Strong Will! You can resist them! Noooope.
Goddammit Oshawott! Get out of the picture! Nobody likes you!

I have bought everything and true to my predictions, the first to run out was Pikachu. He was there for just a week and no one can have him anymore. I was lucky to have spotted the new toys on opening day which was in Halloween, All Saints Day here. His special toy action is when you turn him on and pull his tail he will play a recorded voice. Other toys just light up and Oshawott is different because he's the only one you could get wet. 

So lesson learned is while kids go to cemeteries to visit people they never knew I would be here buying Happy Meals and getting broke earlier. I swear the things cost like a dollar last time I bought a Happy Meal. INFLATION!

If anyone is wondering, here's the full lineup of the toys ©McDonald's:
